It has been reported that the Springboro Ohio school board is considering including the theory of Creationism in the teaching of controversial issues to public school students. They would attempt to get around the court's ban on such teaching by saying they were merely including it in the discussion of controversial ideas, and not promulgating it as accepted science. It is an underhanded way to try to introduce religious teaching into the schools. Creationism is a purely religious theory. It has nothing to do with science.
Creationism, and its offshoot, "Intelligent Design" (ID), are theories that attempt to refute Darwin ’s doctrine of evolution by natural
selection. Natural selection is a scientific fact that has been proven and
accepted by established science. It
has become the central organizing principle of modern biology. ID
advocates claim that modern species, including humans, did not result from
evolution as described in Darwin ’s
theory. Rather,they were created from the design of an “intelligent” designer
(namely God).
ID proponents
claim that Darwin ’s
theory of evolution is atheistic. However, Pope John Paul II declared that the
theory was compatible with faith. On Darwin ’s
birthday, ministers at several hundred churches around the country
preached against recent efforts to undermine the theory of evolution, asserting
that the opposition many Christians say exists between science and faith is
Some Creationist proponents have tried to introduce a
“Critical Analysis” template for teaching evolution in Ohio schools. This alerted scientists that
evangelical and fundamentalist Christians were still trying to sneak
“Intelligent Design” into the schools. Because the courts have forbidden the
teaching of Creationism, a purely religious theory, Creationist advocates have come up with the tactic
called “teach the controversy.” The idea is to get teachers and students to
debate and challenge Darwinian Evolution and thereby slip Creationism in the back
The first problem with Creationism and ID is that they are not scientific doctrines. They are not backed-up by any serious
scientific research. They do not publish credible scientific papers or submit
to the kind of scientific verification employed for every legitimate branch of
science. Creationism is a religious theory promoted by Christian evangelicals and
second problem, one that does not get much attention, is that ID and Creationism are blatantly,
obviously, palpably false. They are so self-evidently absurd that one wonders how
even uneducated Christians can believe them to be true. They are obviously the product of a culture that embraces ignorance..
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