In his farewell speech to the board of “Focus on the Family,” James Dobson, 72, said: "We tried to defend the unborn child, the dignity of the family, but it was a holding action. We are awash in evil and the battle is still to be waged. We are right now in the most discouraging period of that long conflict. Humanly speaking, we can say we have lost all those battles, but God is in control and we are not going to give up now, right?”
In other words, the Democrats won the election. President Obama has already reversed the "Mexico City Policy" that prohibited the use of U.S. money to fund international family planning groups that promote abortion or provide information, counseling, or referrals about abortion services.
President Obama also ended the Bush restrictions on stem-cell research. These restrictions were imposed in the benighted belief that those tiny cells, which were destined for destruction in fertility clinics, were living human beings whose lives were being taken. If Bush actually believed this dubious myth, how could he allow research on some stem-cells but not others? Stem-cell research could lead to dramatic advances in the understanding and treatment of conditions like cancer, diabetes, spinal injuries, heart disease, and Alzheimer's.
Dobson and his group are, indeed, “awash in evil.” It is the evil of profound bigotry, self righteousness, and hypocrisy. His reference to the “dignity of the family” was nothing more than code words for the hatred of homosexuals. It is not simply that these religious right-wingers want to prevent same-sex marriage, they want to forbid all civil freedoms to gay people. They believe that gay people are evil, and they are willing to condemn, vilify, and anathematize this substantial section of the American populace. Anybody who has seen the movies “Milk” or “The Matthew Shepard Story” can understand where that kind of hate leads.
I also maintain that the fight for the “unborn” child is more than a concern for the lives of eggs, embryos, zygotes, and fetuses. It is part of the ongoing war against the personal freedoms of women. In Afghanistan, women are fighting a law that allows their husbands to beat and rape them. It is the same war that continues even here in our enlightened nation. It is led by ultra-conservatives like Dobson and members of Focus on the Family who oppose not only abortion, but also the Morning-After Pill, RU-486, and even ordinary contraception. There is more than Christian devotion in these positions. There is festering hatred and intolerance.
It is this hatred and intolerance that has led to a string of atrocities against abortion doctors and clinics, the most recent of which was the murder of Dr. George Tiller by the fanatic antiabortionist, Scott Roeder. These people who profess such tender solicitation for microscopic cells seem to have no concern about the slaughter of fully grown living human beings. They have winked at the assassinations of abortion providers by killers like Michael Griffin, Paul Hill, John Salvi, Eric Rudolph, Peter James Knight, and James Kopp. They have approved of the bombings, blockades, threats, anthrax mailings, invasions, and vandalizing of abortion clinics.
Dobson’s program for the health of the American family has long been one of ultraconservative backwardness. Dobson and his group oppose women working outside the home if their children are under 18 years of age They oppose sex education that is not abstinence-only. Dobson claimed that "tolerance and its first cousin, diversity, are almost always buzzwords for homosexual advocacy.” He opposed the Harry Potter books and movies and claimed that they promoted witchcraft.
Dobson and his group are awash all right; in ignorance, intolerance, superstition, and hate.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
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1 comment:
Mr. LeMoult is suprisingly, consistently incorrect. He slams James Dobson and Focus on the Family as being evil only because of the slanderous way in which he applies spin to each issue. Obviously LeMoult has never has actually heard or read anything James Dobson or Focus on the Family has produced on the issues that LeMoult discusses. Dobson has consistently advocated for the protection of civil rights of homosexuals, the same rights we all have. It is only the extra rights that none of us have that he opposes. Dobson has adamantly denounced those who use any kind of violence to oppose abortionists and that includes Tiller's murderer. Dobson does not oppose sex education except for abstinence only. He even provides resources and teaches parents to share all aspects of sex education with their children. As to facts, LaMoult mentioned how backward it was to oppose embryonic stem cell research. Embryonic stem cells (ESC) have been discovered to be unstable and unreliable as well as now totally unnecessary since pluripotent stem cells (Ppst) have been announced as the biggest breakthrough in science last year. PPST act like embryonic stem cells without having to kill what many know to be human life in the process. But ironically Pres. Obama and liberals chose to steer all federal funds away from the actual medical advancements being done right now in stem cell research in order to back a pet political issue. This anti-scientific obsession with trying to find a benefit in prematurely ending human life is macabre at best, not the “good” thing. That would also describe LeMoult's and other liberal's approach to abortion. Their claim that the fight to end abortion is a war on women's rights demonstrates an ignorance of science, history and morality. Women or men for that matter have never had an automatic right to end someone else's life. Usually society reserves forced death on guilty parties. Misinformed folks have been sold a bill of goods that this is a “woman's rights” issue. But how is abortion pro “women's rights” when besides the babies, it is women themselves that pay the highest price when it comes to abortion with depression, physical problems and guilt that they carry with them for the rest of their lives. Abortion is much more of a pro-irresponsible men's rights than anything else. Many third world countries target females in the womb so that they can have boys which they deem more valuable. This is what we advocate and protect by promoting abortion around the world. Liberals have this love affair with death as being the only solution to an unwanted pregnancy, so much so that they can't even bring themselves to just help the tenacious infants that survive the heinous procedure on their own (the Infant Born Alive Act opposed by Obama and most liberals). Liberals even oppose giving women enough information through sonograms so that they can make an actual informed decision. As to homosexuality, those who practice it have all of the same civil rights that we all have. They can marry, enter contracts, hold jobs, get an education, buy, sell, own property, etc. As a matter of fact, those who practice homosexuality are on average wealthier and better educated than the average American. It is only the institution of marriage between a man and a woman that is being advocated by religious conservatives like James Dobson, who by the way also opposes heterosexual abuses of marriage such as adultery, promiscuity, pornography, and easy divorce. Our culture has always set limits on marriage, and the debate is just where those limits reside. The Judeo-Christian definition of marriage has been a foundational bedrock of society since the world's beginning. In all of these issues, one may legalize that which is evil and then call it good. Unfortunately we will not escape the consequences of violating the rules upon which good society rests. It is out of concern for those around him and the country he loves that James Dobson fights for the people that he does.
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